Beasley Mediation

As adults, we have goals, dreams and ambitions. No one goes into a relationship intending to separate. Nobody plans to spend thousands of dollars and years of their life fighting with a person that they once loved. It can happen.

The best advice starts with process: Mediation.


Mediation is usually far less expensive than litigation, in terms of both financial dollars and emotional wear and tear. Legal advice is critical. You cannot bargain without being aware of your entitlements and responsibilities. The commitment to disclosure of income and property positions is a fundamental underpinning of any negotiation.

The choice of mediation needs to include an assessment of safety and the balance of power between the parties. Often mediation means that both parties, and their counsel, meet with the mediator to resolve issues after the mediator has met with both parties individually. Sometimes, shuttle mediation is more appropriate where the parties remain in separate rooms during the mediation.

The mediator’s role is to facilitate discussion and negotiation in a safe environment. Mediation allows the parties to have their voice in formulating options that address their interests and concerns.

Try and settle as much as possible.

The last resort should be court. At times, Court is needed. While the court process can involve additional paperwork and be time consuming, it does provide deadlines, obligate disclosure and is essential where a party is ignoring the issues or abusing the process.

For more information regarding our mediation services including scheduling, rates, etc., please email us a

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Barristers and Solicitors
525 South Street
London, Ontario
N6B 1C4
Phone: (519) 642-1520
Fax: (519- 673-3868